
Volunteer Applications

You will start by choosing one of the selected serving opportunities from our serve page. Click HERE to start that process by reaching out to the OHC Ministry you would like to serve.

If you've already done so and you've been directed back to this page, you can fill out one of the two Adult Volunteer Application forms

This application is for those volunteers between 13 - 17 years of age. Click HERE start the volunteer application process.
This application is for those volunteers 18 years of age and over. PLEASE NOTE: Make sure that you are logged in under your own OHC Account and not someone elses (before filling out the online application). Click HERE to start that process.

Please download and print PDF Version HERE if you are 12 years of age or younger. Federal law will not allow people under 13 years of age to create an account.

If you have already filled out a volunteer application, contact the ministry you are volunteering with to see:

  1. If you have a complete Volunteer Application on file
  2. If there is an addenda form to fill out

Volunteer Addenda

Some of our ministries require an additional addendum. If you wish to serve in one of the areas below, please click on that link to complete the appropriate addendum.

Those volunteers serving with either the Bibleland Kids (Children's Ministry) or the OHCSM (Student Ministry) at Oak Hills Church. Click HERE to review, sign and date your volunteer covenant with this ministry.
Those volunteers serving with the College & Young Adults Ministry at Oak Hills Church. Click HERE to fill out the addenda form with this ministry.
Those volunteers serving with the Photography Ministry at Oak Hills Church. Click HERE to review, sign and date your volunteer agreement with this ministry.


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