Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries | Sponsor School Clothing


2024 OHC Serve Week. Let's serve our city together!

Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries | Sponsor School Clothing 

Pick up Bags: Sundays, May 19, May 26, and June 2 | 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Return Bags: Sunday, June 9

Oak Hills Church - Worship Center Lobby

Partner Description: Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries helps unite and equip the Body of Christ with food, resources, and training necessary to transform our communities and the lives of those in poverty and need through the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Event Task: Volunteers will sign up to sponsor a specific local child in need with the purchase of a new set of school clothes. Please stop by the table in the lobby to receive the child's size and clothing need information, and the bag to return items in. Purchase and return items to OHC by Sunday, June 9.
Participant Age: All Ages
Setting: Indoor
Volunteer Spots: 150

No waiver for this event.

No registration for this event - Please come directly to the table in the Worship Center Lobby, Sundays, May 19, May 26, and June 2 | 8:15 AM - 1:00 PM

Should you need to cancel your serve participation, please email LenetteS@oakhillschurch.com 

Crownridge Campus

Lenette Salinas
Weekly: Sundays at 8:45 AM
Oak Hills Church - Lobby Table

Stop by table in the Lobby on any Sunday: June 11, 18, 25

Contact Class / Event Host